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Student Leadership is a class that is designed around the idea of students being active in their school and community. In this class, students will be given many opportunities to participate in activities and events that serve those around them. In this class, students will gain many leadership skills and qualities that are irreplaceable. 

Our Team

Tiffany Stringer


Mrs. Stringer has been the Student Leadership Advisor for many years. It should be noted that she has a strong passion for helping others and using post-it notes.

Mr. Bridges is being credited with the assist. This is his first year with the student leadership class. It should be noted that Mr. Bridges is renowned for his ability to recite his alphabet backwards in sub-four seconds.

Brady Bridges


Our Offerings

Students will be given ample opportunity to lead others in their school and their community. 

Our Mission

Our mission is to give each of our students opportunites to serve and grow as leaders in their school and community.

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